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  •                 What output can I expect?

                    In addition to the rated electrical power there is process heat. A typical 1MWe system will provide around 1.8Mw of heat recovered from both the generator set exhaust (550 degC), the engine radiator (75 degC) and the heat from gas cooling. This heat can be utilised for any purpose, such as a district heating scheme, wood chip drying, crop drying, greenhouse heating, etc..


  •                 What else will I need to operate a system?

                    Electric power - at start-up a source of 3 phase electricity (grid or small diesel or gas genset) is needed for the electricial control and data systems and the start-up blower.                                  Water Supply - the system uses a small amount of clean water.


  •                 What are the economic benefits of a Powermax project for me ?

                    Powermax gasification plants tackle two major local problems: elimination of local waste and cost of energy. By converting local feedstock into energy you lower your costs and you create new revenues (i.e. selling electricity on the grid). Energy produced through Powermax gasification is renewable and is supported by your local renewable energy support policies.This model of circular economy is also an opportunity to increase your energy independence and it creates local employment.


  •                 My gasification plant meets tar related operational problems, can Powermax help me ?

                    Powermax doesn’t provide expert services on plants operating with other technologies. Powermax can assess how Powermax gasifier or Powermax gas purification system could substitute your initial technology. However, we usually recommend replacing both gasifier and gas conditioning unit . In extreme cases, engine and biomass preparation units should be adapted.


  •                 Is Biomass Gasification a New Technology?

                    The gasification process has been used for well over 180 years. Until the widespread availability of natural gas in the 1950’s, coal gasification was used to produce the gases used in many city street lights. Commercial development was not seriously explored for decades due to the expanding use of less-expensive petroleum-based products. During the oil crisis of the 1970’s, research and development in biomass gasification technologies were once again brought to the forefront.


  •                 What Makes Biomass Gasification environmentally friendly?

                    Biomass is organic matter- and Biomass energy development likes to take what is usually thrown away and turn it into energy. Our technology, the Powermax Gasification Process allows business and industry to operate “off the grid” using their own waste stream (pallets, boxes, paper), or materials from agriculture such as farming, milling and ranching. We use clean technology to take the stored energy from these materials and create heating, electricity, even cooling through CHP (Combined Heat and Power).


  •                 What are the benefits to the local economies touched by Powermax’s projects?

                    Powermax can produce dozens if not hundreds of employment opportunities for local communities when a plant project is developed.   There are a number of different sectors where jobs can be created: construction, farming, harvesting, feedstock transportation, feedstock preparation and plant maintenance.  Because often times our plants will be built in rural areas, the impact can be very welcome and have a dramatic improvement on the local economy.


  •                 What can the gas produced in the gasifier be used for?

                    The gas mixture produced by the gasifier can be used for process heating applications by operating the gasifier in a forced draft (positive pressure) mode and passing the gas directly to a burner on a boiler to make steam for an electrical turbine generator or directly to an internal combustion engine.


  •                 What is in the gas that comes out of the gasifier?

                    The gas from the gasifier (Syngas) is basically composed of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), and nitrogen (N2). The CO and H2 is the combustible portion of the Syngas. It is used similar to natural gas, but it typically has lower energy content. This makes it an effective way to transfer the energy in the feedstock into Syngas to run a steam turbine or generator. Therefore the Syngas is cleaned and it is piped to the turbine or genset, the exhaust is cleaned with state-of-the-art emission control equipment after it has been burned as a fuel. In this way, reliability of the control equipment and quality of the exhaust gas stream are assured to meet all applicable air quality standards.


  •                 What’s the advantage of biomass gasification over production of biofuels?

                    A Powermax gasifier can accept a range of feed stocks and thus the technology supports a bio-diverse resource base rather than a monoculture energy crop. However the energy density of the gas is far lower than that of liquid bio-fuels, making it more suitable for stationary applications than transport. Biomass production also removes the same amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as is emitted from gasification. While other biofuels technologies such as biogas (from landfills) and biodiesel (from agricultural sources) are carbon neutral too, gasification can operate on a wider variety of input materials and can be used to produce a wider variety of output fuels.


  •                 Why do we need biomass gasification now?

                    Gasification is a clean, affordable and environmentally sound renewable form of energy that provides a solution to forest and agricultural management residue issues we have right now. Another challenge is energy security. Governments want to use their own resources to produce energy and provide energy independence.   We need to displace some of the energy we are literally shipping in from other parts of the world, and, probably more importantly, wean ourselves from dependence on foreign energy suppliers.


  •                 Why do we need biomass gasification for renewable energy, isn’t wind, solar or other forms of renewable energy enough?

                    Wind and solar power are key components to the future electricity generation mix because they are low maintenance and greenhouse neutral. Solar generation has the advantage of peaking at the same time as peak air-conditioning loads, and wind energy when networked sufficiently widely with appropriate interconnection can provide base-load generation. However, neither can provide on-demand generation for load-matching – a problem that exists in everywhere, due to our remote location and “islanded” utility generation. Biomass gasification can provide this 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and, if supplied from sustainably-harvested fuel, it can be a truly greenhouse-neutral on-demand generation system to complement wind and solar in a carbon-neutral way.


  •                 Do Powermax Gasification Systems Pollute? What are the byproducts from the biomass gasification process?

                    1. The gasification of biomass as a feedstock produces Syngas. The Powermax gasifier is optimized to generate the maximum gas and little else. By products of the process are low-grade activated carbon or (Biochar) and some inert ash. Ideally, these by products are combined and returned to the soil as a soil conditioner re-capturing or sequestration of the carbon and nutrients in the soil. The Biochar then reduces the need for fertilizers which in turn improved the economics and waste due to farming.  Waste heat is also produced by the process and can be used for water or space-heating, cooling, manufacturing processes, or for pre-drying the fuel for the gasifier.
    2. Gasification reactions produce small amount of water, present in the form vapour at the outlet of the gasifier. If the syngas is to be cooled down (i.e. for powering gas engines), water condenses in the gas conditioning unit.
    3. Tars that are separated by Powermax ESP(electrostatic precipitator) from the gas can be re-burned and used as fuel or can be sent back to reactor.
    4. The syngas is sent directly to the internal combustion engines when used for electricity, the engine combusts the gas and any post emissions are treated in the engine system and catalytic converter meeting the engine manufacturers’ specifications for emissions if needed.


  •                 Is this an incinerator?

                    No.  It heats the biomass fuel to create Syngas.  The Syngas is directly consumed in an internal combustion engine to create electricity, or directly in a gas fired boiler to create steam, or other thermal applications where you can substitute Syngas for LPG or Natural Gas, not to dispose of waste.


  •                 How does Powermax gasification system compare with other gasification technologies?

                   ·Complete system: Powermax manufactures complete gasification power generation systems includes gasifiers, gas purification systems and gas generator sets.;
    ·30 Years Experience: Powermax has almost 30 years history in gasifier power generation business,  All Powermax gasification designs benefit from more than 100 reference installations worldwide.
    ·Powermax developed and offer you more than 10 different design gasifier technologies according to different feedstock and different application, the best gasfier technology for your business !
    ·Powermax Gas Cooler and High voltage electrostatic precipitator make tar free syngas and can be consumed by 100% syngas engines or dual fuel engines without the concern of engine fouling;
    ·Powermax supply heavy duty 500-1200rpm gas generator sets which suitable for power plant 24/7 running.
    ·Modular design: occupy small footprint, less civil works, fast fabrication. Easy to deploy where the biomass is, avoiding non-value added transport costs;
    Scalable solution: Time to market is dramatically reduced and overall installations are scalable with supply and demand, Utilizes agriculture waste and forest management residues, Renewable Energy sites designed to utilize our solutions are ”sized” to the biomass residues available, avoiding supply interruption or additional transportation costs. Our system can manage C4 types of grasses and non-typical biomass which are fast rotation crops, which further improve carbon neutrality and promote use of marginal lands for biomass energy feedstock production. Our system ships complete in a high cube 40ft container, anywhere in the world. Given the size and modularity of the system, local distribution capacity is unaffected. Therefore, expensive distribution costs are avoided;
    ·We utilize the waste heat from generators to dry/condition the biomass residues which qualifies as combined heat and power (CHP).
    Additionally, the heat can be produced to fire wood kilns, cooking, and process needs in a very environmentally friendly manner; ·The Powermax System is completely automated and has the capability to control an entire plant with additional programming and hardware.
    ·Powermax also has own 5MW biomass gasificaiton power plant, customer also can send their engineers and technicians to China for training. In the meanwhile, Powermax also can send Powermax Engineers and Technician for O&M the projects worldwide.


  •                 What is the maximum moisture content of the biomass?

                    UFBG - require feedstock with moisture content from 5-60%.
    CFBG - require feedstock with moisture content lower than 16%.
    DFBG - require feedstock with moisture content lower than 20%.
    TFBG - require feedstock with moisture content lower than 20%.
    However you can supply biomass with higher moisture content (up to 65 %wb). In that case, we install a biomass dryer powered by thermal energy recovered on the plant!
    The integration and supply of a well-suited biomass dryer is part of our complete offers.


  •                 What is the difference between ashes and biochar ?

                    Thermal conversion of biomass produces solid co-products; these contain various concentrations of mineral matters and carbon.Ashes refer to solid co-product of complete combustion of the solid feedstock. Ashes contain mineral matter initially present in the feedstock. Biochar refers to solid co-products of gasification: Unlike complete combustion, mineral matters leaving the gasifier are linked to some carbon content.


  •                 Why Powermax offer four different gasifier technology?

                    Powermax always believe there is none type of gasifier can use any kind of biomass, waste and coal. For different application different gasifier applied.


  •                 What does CFCG, DFCG,SSCG,DSCG mean?

                    CFCG - Circulating Fluidized-bed Coal Gasfiier
    DFCG - Doube-fire Fix-bed Coal Gasfiier
    SSCG - Single Stage Coal Gasfiier
    DSCG - Doube Stage Coal Gasfiier


  •                 ABOUT OUR TECHNOLOGY & SOLUTIONS What does CFBG,DFBG,UFBG,TFBG mean?

                    CFBG - Circulating Fluidized-bed Biomass Gasfiier
    DFBG - Downdraft Fix-bed Biomass Gasfiier
    UFBG - Updraft Fix-bed Biomass Gasfiier
    TFBG - Twin-fire Fix-bed Biomass gasfiier


  •                 Can I represent Powermax on my territory ?

                    Powermax works with a network of qualified agents and commercial partners with experience in the waste and energy sectors.
    Powermax is always happy to discuss further possibilities on new territories. Developing projects in your area?  Contact us.


  •                 Can I tour a site?

                    Yes, first Powermax maintains it’s own test site generating electricity from biomass and waste in Powermax factory. The site is used to develop and test new technologies as well as having the capability of testing different types of biomass for our customers.  In addition, depending upon your application we can arrange a tour of our customer’s sites if they agree.


  •                 Where is the Powermax factory located?

                    No.123 Jiaoshan Rd. Yangjian Town, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China


  •                 Can Powermax gasify my solid biofuel ?

                    POWERMAX designs,projects and implements suitable solutions for each type of biomass residue.Powermax has gasified more biomass than all other gasification technologies combined.


  •                 Will Powermax work with my local contractors to design the entire site?

                    Yes, we offer this as a service under a clearly defined statement of work and typically design the key plant components while the local EPC handles all the structures, permitting, etc plus actual construction.


  •                 Do you provide project financial feasibility studies?

                    Yes, we do and by working with our customers we can provide detailed financial modeling. This is paid service up-front, but with a portion to be rebated upon order.


  •                 Why Powermax’s projects are considered "carbon neutral"?

                    All combustion of biomass, whether burned directly or heated indirectly to create a gas or liquid fuel to be consumed, creates CO2 emissions. However, many research papers have determined that the feed stocks used in a biomass energy facility that are sustainable and therefore re-grown, take carbon dioxide from our atmosphere and convert it to plant matter and release oxygen. By definition, within our plants, the carbon converted and emitted in the form of CO2 cannot exceed the amount of carbon we introduce into the system in the feedstock that was grown. Carbon dioxide is considered one of the “greenhouse gases” known to contribute to global warming and climate change.  Because there is no additional carbon trapped in the atmosphere, the process is known as “carbon neutral”.

    When biomass is converted to energy with the gasification process, all of the carbon released was captured (by the biomass) during its life cycle. This result in no additional carbon added to the environment (unlike resulting carbon emissions from the processing and consumption of fossil fuels, whose carbon has been ‘locked up’ for thousands of years).

  •                 27


  •                 Can Powermax install the system in my country?

                    Powermax can depute engineers to supervise the erection and commissioning of the system and train the operating personnel at site.
    The round-trip from Shanghai (China) to the country of installation, inland traveling expenditure, road transport charges, boarding and lodging will be to the client’s account. In addition, Powermax will charge a per day charge of USD100.00-200.00 per man-day for Powermax engineers from the date of their departure from Shanghai (China) till the date of their return.


  •                 How long does it take Powermax to complete all facets of a new project?

                    Construction of the project is on average 3 to 6 months primarily based on its modularity and ease of deployment once funding and permitting is in place.


  •                 How are the Powermax gasifier power generation systems shipped?

                    All of our products are shipped in high cube cargo containers or smaller. Some big modules needs FR container and Open Top Container. At commissioning final re-assembly is required under supervision by Powermax’s personnel.
    This period also allows time for training of the on-site personnel.


  •                 What is the useful life of the Powermax gasifier power generation system?

                    More than 20 years.


  •                 How much should I budget for maintenance of the gasifier power plant per year?

                    Less than 2% of equipment investment.


  •                 What is the warranty of the gasifier?

                    One year excluding consumables.


  •                 Who does the commissioning of my plant?

                    Powermax will commission the gasifiers and gas gensets on site and provide the necessary hardware and software integration. The balance of plant can also be addressed depending on the customer needs.


  •                 How do I get aftermarket sales, service, and operational support?

                    Through Powermax and our worldwide partners.


  •                 Will Powermax assist my EPC to design the plant?

                    Yes, we offer this as a service.


  •                 If I have grass or other non-densified biomass material what needs to be done?

                    The non-densified biomass will need to put through a cubing machine to allow for sufficient densification of the biomass to operate in the Powermax fixed bed gasifiers process. Or It must be crushed to uniform and fine size to operation in the Powermax fluidized bed gasifier proces.


  •                 What feed stocks in general are suitable for the Powermax process?




  •                 Why does Powermax focus on biomass as a feedstock?

                    Biomass is overwhelmingly plentiful.  In fact, many renewable energy scientists and industry experts call the many parts of the world, “The Saudi Arabia’s of Biomass”.  Additionally, there are a number of ways by which using biomass helps to clean up our environment and make it safer.  Using the wood waste left by the lumber and paper industries; keeping wood waste out of landfills; “cleaning” our forests of dead trees and potentially flammable underbrush all helps to lower greenhouse gas emissions and beneficially uses something that would otherwise be wasted.  Additionally, we can grow biomass, non-food energy crops which can provide jobs for farmers who want to grow their business or maybe have lost their business to competition.  And remember that biomass is the oldest form of energy known to Earth – man has been using wood and other organic matter for fuel since the beginning of time.


  •                 How much biomass is required?

                    This depends on the biomass. Grass and rice husks are light and require more biomass, but in general 1MT of dry biomass will produce 1MWHe (equivalent) of electricity.


  •                 How much space do I need for a plant ?

                    Approximately 500-600sqm per MW installed is the required space.   Cost varies depending upon the site location and site use. Meanwhile Powermax’s Biowatt Solutions can make 1MW less than 150sqm.


  •                 What size plants are addressed by Powermax?

                    50 KWe to 3MW per module in electricity or heat equivalent; depending upon the modular product size selected, the biggest modular Powermax gasifier can produce up to 12,000 m3 per hour of Syngas. The BTU value of the gas is dependent on several factors including energy contained in the biomass and the moisture content.


  •                 Is Powermax product protected by intellectual property?

                    Yes, through patents, patents pending, trade secrets, and copyright.


  •                 How long has Powermax been in business?

                    Powermax was started in 1986, founded by Yongxiang Qian.


  •                 Wuxi Teneng Power Machinery Co.,Ltd., & Powermax ?

                    Powermax is registered trademark of Wuxi Teneng Power Machinery Co.,ltd.
    Today, Powermax provides solutions to recover energy from various biofuels.

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